Agroflott - ipari takarítás

Agro-Flott Kft. has been established on 20th July, 1994. Its legal successor was Flott Bt. The company was started as a family business, and it is still operated as such, the company’s managing director is Péter Dancs.

Central office:  4532 Nyírtura, Újmajori u. 5-7.
Premises:  4532 Nyírtura, Újmajori u. 5-7.
Managing director: Péter Dancs 0630-938-9065
Tel.: 0642-719-008
Fax: 0642-421-296
The Ltd’s main activity is: ‘Other building and industrial cleaning’.

Other activities:
•    labour force lending;
•    cleaning machines, production lines and industrial equipment;
•    cleaning the walls and floors of industrial halls, cleaning external walls;
•    cleaning the yards of institutions and premises;
•    cleaning glass entrance doors, plant and building glass fronts, and other glass surfaces with elevating basket vehicles;
•    keeping parks and grass-covered areas, grass cutting, spraying, pruning;
•    machine and manual materials handling;
•    snow cleaning, snow cleaning duty;
•    office and plant cleaning, fine cleaning;
•    agricultural production, trade;
•    soil works with manual and machine force;
•    stock breeding (Mangalica pig breeding and sale, egg production and sale);
•    fruit production (apple, sour cherry, plum, peach), and sale.

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Agroflott - ipari takarítás