Agroflott - ipari takarítás

Frequently asked questions
Labour force lending

1. What is actually labour force lending?

Labour force lending is a form of employment when Agro-Flott Kft. hires the employee and does the administration jobs instead of the Customer (such as enrolment, wage payment, holiday administration etc.), but the employee works at the Customer’s site. The Customer has the authority to check and manage the employee, i.e. he determines the working hours, the start of work, the lunch break, the tasks to do, etc.

2. Is it allowed to simultaneously apply for several jobs?

Yes, of course, it is allowed. Our online application form enables you to apply for several jobs simultaneously.

3. Why doesn’t the advertisement mention either the Customer’s name or the salary? 

Unfortunately, unless the Customer specifies otherwise, we can usually tell the Applicants these two facts, important for decision-making, only during the procedure of selection privately. Discretion obliges us towards both parties (the Customer and the Applicant).

4. I do not like any of the job offers / I wish to apply for a job later / I want to sign up in the database. What shall I do?

You do the right thing when you sign up: we never know when there will be a favourable job opportunity we can offer to you. If not right now, perhaps later. That is why you had better sign up, because where the database operates well, you can receive interesting job offers from. This is an extra option.

5. Shall I also send a CV in addition to completing the Application Form?

Yes. On sending the Form, please attach all the documents, which may be important for your future job application (what is usually necessary: curriculum vitae with photo, perhaps copies of certificates).

6. How long are my details kept on file?

Your details are stored in our computer system until you ask us to delete them.

7. How much does the registration cost, or when I find a job through you?

The registration, the referral and all of our company’s services are completely free of charge for the Applicants.

8. Will I be informed when there is a job offer for me?

We will inform you of the job offers you are interested in by email or by phone on the contact details you have given.

Frequently asked questions
Other questions

1. What shall I do if I want to order park keeping?

Send in your order form electronically, you find it in the menu item ‘contact’. Also, you can place your orders by fax or by phone.

2. How can I order Mangalica pig and how much does it cost?

You can order Mangalica pig electronically, also, you can place your orders by phone or in person. The pig’s price is affected by its size, its other features and the current trade price. The price is specifically determined for each concrete request.

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Agroflott - ipari takarítás