Agroflott - ipari takarítás

Cleaning production machines, production lines, and industrial plants:

Agro-Flott Kft., as an undertaking completely owned by Hungarians, offers cleaning services. Coping with the demands of the market, we clean production machines, production lines, industrial plants and buildings.
Professional experience of several years, technical background, as well as flexible and precise colleagues guarantee that we provide quality services to our customers.

We take our clients’ demands and satisfaction very seriously, because it is the only way to maintain long-term working relations.  
We undertake to clean various production lines and special machines at companies’ sites, to dust and clean the floors, sidewalls, ceilings, doors and windows, as well as public utility pipelines fixed to walls, from scaffolds and lifting platforms.

A few arguments for us:

•    Such tasks are usually temporary, ad hoc jobs, and you should not have a staff for them, we will provide you with an effective team.
•    These jobs are done by our experienced colleagues who complete such tasks quickly; we do our best to provide high-quality services.
•    You should not worry about detergents, we will buy them.
•    Special cleaning machines are at our service; with their help, we do all the jobs quickly, effectively and in high quality.
•    We place special emphasis to comply with the labour safety regulations, and prevent on-the-job accidents.
•    We do the jobs environmentally friendly and comply with the relevant labour safety regulations.

 We do outdoor and indoor cleaning for:
- Michelin Hungária Abroncsgyártó Kft. (Tire Manufacturing Ltd), Nyíregyháza
- Hübner-H Gumi és Műanyagipari Kft. (Rubber and Plastic Industrial Ltd)
- Budapest Bank Debrecen
- Nyírségvíz Kft.
- Mondi Kft. Nyíregyháza

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Agroflott - ipari takarítás