Agroflott - ipari takarítás


We undertake to perform regular park creating and park keeping tasks for factories, premises and institutions. Our jobs include: soil cultivation, planting, weeding, grass cutting, mowing, pruning trees and bushes, hedge pruning, snow cleaning, and ensuring skid-proof roads.

Nice and trim environment is not a mere chance; it is the result of planning, continuous caring, mowing, hedge cutting and pruning. The beauty and success of rows of trees, or the excellence of lawns greatly depend on properly done pruning, effective plant protection or nutrient supply.
Our company is at the service of its Customers with fully qualified and highly experienced colleagues, with a manifold fleet of machines and favourable prices.

Do not hesitate to contact us.

Some of our references:
-    Hübner-H Kft. Nyíregyháza
-    MONDI Kft. Nyíregyháza
-    Nyírségvíz Zrt. Nyíregyháza
-    Boma Trade Kft. Nyíregyháza
-    HADÉP Kft. Debrecen

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A projekt az Európai Unió támogatásával, az Európai Regionális Fejlesztési Alap társfinanszírozásával valósul meg.

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Agroflott - ipari takarítás